Jack "The King" Kirby (RIP):
Originally named Jacob Kurtzberg Jack Kirby was born in New York City, 1917 and died at Thousand Oaks California, 1994. Kirby is considered the “natural superhero drawer” he was one from those who invented and developed the Super-Hero Comic art, also he is the creator and co-creator of several main and secondary characters of this universe. Together with Joe Simon created Captain America and with Stan Lee he created the most successful Marvel characters such as Spiderman, Thor, the Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer and the X-Men. Even though great part of his work was developed at Marvel
Comics Jack Kirby worked with very interesting projects at DC comics (Marvel’s competition and home of Super Man, Bat Man, Aquaman, and Green Lantern among many other titles) such as the New Gods and the Fourth World. Started his artistic life as a press and animation drawer in the early 30’s. Kirby helped the publishing team of Marvel Comics and quickly became crucial in its development. Probably the biggest project in his career was when in the year 1961 Marvel Comics asked him and Stan Lee to gather all their heroes and mix up their histories (some of witch were already mixed) to create a new comic named the Avengers. Considered as a role model to many generations of creative artists in comic’s history Jack Kirby proved super heroes are never old.
Originally named Jacob Kurtzberg Jack Kirby was born in New York City, 1917 and died at Thousand Oaks California, 1994. Kirby is considered the “natural superhero drawer” he was one from those who invented and developed the Super-Hero Comic art, also he is the creator and co-creator of several main and secondary characters of this universe. Together with Joe Simon created Captain America and with Stan Lee he created the most successful Marvel characters such as Spiderman, Thor, the Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer and the X-Men. Even though great part of his work was developed at Marvel

2 comentarios:
I love the colors of the blog!!! TOO FANCY! nice!
I find this blog very interesting because it informs me about a topic that I do not really know about in a very organized and nice way. I specially like this post because I was unaware of the existence of Jack Kirby and that he was one of the mayor superheroes creator. It has very good information and it is well written.
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